Color Scheme of the Charts to Differentiate the Various Wave Degrees is:
{ Supercycle / Cycle / Primary / Intermediate / Minor }
{By clicking on any chart, it will enlarge for ease of viewing. Commentary at the top of each chart is more easily read, also.}

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Nasdaq 100 potentially took its last breath above water today or NOT!

The 5th wave (predicted in the prior chart yesterday) completed and the market promptly sold off.  This could be the "kick off" of a long sustained bear market.  Alternately, this 5 wave move to the upside could be wave A of an upward moving ABC Zigzag, in which we would now be in wave B to the downside.  Wave C then would take us to one last high to complete the ZZ.  I am favoring that interpretation.  It is shown below.
The market will have to trace out Waves (B) and (C) relatively quickly to make my predicted September 30th peak deadline.  Of course it doesn't have to happen on that date.  I was merely speculating.  More probable is a mid to late October peak.  Any early Shorters of the market can utilize this wave B as an opportunity to park money on the sidelines until Wave (C) unfolds and hits its peak.

USPJPY entering a potential 3rd of a 3rd of a 3rd

Chart #1 Multi Month / Multi Year Perspective
Chart #2 Multi Month Perspective
Chart #3 Multi Day / Intra Day Perspective

Thursday, September 19, 2013

NAS 100 pushes even closer to its peak

Chart #2 only has Black Minor 4 (targets turned on) and Minor 5 to complete before the selling begins.  This should happen easily within two trading sessions (3 at the most).  Fasten your seat beats, the roller coaster ride down is about to begin.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Nasdaq 100 Urgent Short Set Up

Chart #1: Supercycle Degree Wave (b) is ending.

Chart #2: Cycle degree Wave V is ending.

Chart #3:  Primary degree Wave C (circled) is ending.

Chart #4: Intermediate degree Wave (V) is ending.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

USDJPY poised for next move down

Wave E (circled) continues to unfold to the downside.

Nasdaq 100 has one last breath

Wave (4) in its target with a quick wave (5) on Tuesday, then lights out!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Nasdaq 100 Ending Diagonal near its completion

Two possible outcomes can occur from the current price level.  Described at the top off the charts.